ATASANCAK ACIPAYAM Agricultural Enterprise
Redefining health and quality in milk with our breeding practices that exceed global standards
AtaSancak Acıpayam Agricultural Enterprise was established in 2005 in the Acıpayam district of Denizli, through the partnership of two major investment groups in Turkey, Ata Holding, and Sancak Group, with the aim of breeding superior livestock and producing healthy, high-quality milk that exceeds global standards.
AtaSancak Acıpayam Agricultural Enterprise, with 24,000 hectares of land and a total capacity of 4,800 milking cows, reaching 10,500 large cattle in total, holds the position of not only Turkey's but also Europe's largest raw milk and breeding producer.

Plant Production
While only 5890 hectares of land were used for rainfed agriculture in 2004, today, with 34 "center pivot" irrigation systems, the total irrigable land of the enterprise has increased to 12,513 hectares.
A specially developed software system is used for the real-time tracking and management of the positions of the pivots, tailored to the needs of the enterprise. To make decisions on irrigation methods, the enterprise has 4 meteorological stations and "irrigation monitoring" software where data from 80 soil moisture and temperature sensors are interpreted.

Barns and Milking Parlor
AtaSancak Acıpayam Agricultural Enterprise has barns equipped with inorganic sand bedding and a flushing system to provide the best care for dairy cows. This system ensures that the cows' bedding stays continuously clean, preserving their health.
AtaSancak Acıpayam was the first agricultural enterprise in Turkey to use the flushing system in barn cleaning. Approximately 9,000 tons of water and 600 tons of sand are used daily. About 85% of the flushing water and 80% of the sand are recycled, providing both economic benefits and preventing adverse effects on the environment.

Calf and Pregnant Heifer
All female calves born at AtaSancak Acıpayam Agricultural Enterprise undergo genomic testing for the identification of their genetic potential. The recorded performance data is used to determine the most suitable bull candidates for pedigree matching, and superior genetic potential heifers are raised through artificial insemination.
In the coming period, the aim is to maximize genetic progress using the embryo transfer technique. Approximately 2500 fattening cattle and 1000 pregnant heifers are sold annually, contributing to the country's livestock.

The enterprise is committed to using precision farming practices in all agricultural operations, utilizing the RTK system with a precision of 2 cm in all soil tillage, planting, fertilization, and spraying processes.
The planters used in planting activities benefit from the latest technology, allowing real-time tracking of seed, fertilizer, and pesticide quantities, and creating a planting map.
Feed Center
Nutrition is one of the fundamental elements of healthy and efficient animal production.
The feeds used in animal nutrition are controlled at every stage, from the field to the animals. Suitable feeding recipes are prepared for each age and production period, and these recipes are taken to the animals by expert personnel with the most suitable equipment.
Approximately 400 tons of feed are prepared daily in the enterprise. The required roughages are sourced from the enterprise's own fields, while concentrated feeds are supplied from external sources.
Industrial Products
Pasteurized MilkRaw Milk
Whole and Skimmed Milk Powder
Europe's and Turkey’s largest raw milk and breeding producer
Investment exceeding 70 million dollars
Part of both the agricultural and livestock facility and feed ecosystem