Obtained Subway representation
Established Milgo
Established Usta Pideci
Established Ekur Et Entegre
Established fiyuu
Established Usta Dönerci
Established AtaKey
Established Ekmek Unlu Gıda
Obtained BK China representation
Obtained BK Cafe representation
Obtained Arby’s representation
Obtained Popeyes representation
Established Ata Gayrimenkul
Obtained Sbarro representation
Established Ata Sancak Acıpayam Agricultural Enterprise
Established Ata Portföy
Established Mes Kitchen Equipment
Established Ata GYO (Real Estate Investment Trust)
Established ATP and Tradesoft
Established Fasdat
Established TAB Foods
Established Ekur İnşaat
Established Seraş
Obtained Escada representation
Established Ata Invest
Established Entegre Harç
Ata Construction and Atatürk Dam (1982-1992)
Established Seri İnşaat