Social Responsibility and Collaborations
We aim to add value to education and create awareness in society through the partnerships we engage in and the social responsibility projects we undertake.
Established Schools


Science High School

Anatolian High School

Schools Underwent Renovation



As founding partners of the Young Achievement Foundation, we sponsor domestic and international entrepreneurship training and competitions for children and young people.
Through collaboration with the New Leaders Association, we participate in academic and social projects to contribute to the development of the next generation of leaders, inspiring young people and mentoring them in the process.
In partnership with Bahçeşehir University, we provide internship and job opportunities in Ata Group companies to university students.
For participants in the Young Guru Academy program, we provide sponsorship support for projects that benefit society, help them enhance their skills, and assist in bringing their projects to life.
Advocating for equal opportunities in access to quality education, we support the Anatolian Scholarship Program by providing financial assistance to three students each year. We contribute to national education by establishing and renovating schools.
In the fight for gender equality, we actively participate in the World Economic Forum's (WEF) task force, working to reduce the gender gap in the economy in Turkey.
As a member of the "Equality at Work" platform under the auspices of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, we strive to ensure that women in the workplace have equal and effective opportunities as men.
Furthermore, as signatories to the "Equality at Work Declaration," initiated by the Ministry of Family and Social Services, we take responsibility to end gender discrimination in the workplace and increase women's participation, opportunities, and impact in the workforce.
Equality at Work Declaration Articles
We respect human rights and treat all our employees with the fundamental principle of equality.
Gender Equality
We ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our female and male employees without discrimination based on gender.
Women's Employment
We actively support women's participation in the workforce.
Equal Opportunity
We define criteria for gender equality in all our human resources policies.
Equal Pay
We adhere to the policy of equal pay for equal work and actively monitor it.
Career Opportunities
We establish mechanisms to ensure equal access to career opportunities.
Education Policies
We create and monitor education policies with special attention to women's participation.
Balanced Work
We create a working environment and practices that maintain work-life balance.
We communicate developments related to equal opportunity plans and achievements through internal and external channels.
We ensure that the Declaration extends to all our areas of influence (business partners, suppliers).
We create a leadership team within our organization for the implementation and monitoring of the issues stated in the Declaration.